Promoting Inclusivity: A Training Course for Journalists on LGBTQIA+ (corso in inglese)

The course “Promoting Inclusivity: A Training Course for Journalists on LGBTQIA+ ” will be held online on 9 November 2023 from 10am to 1pm.

Learning and using inclusive language is becoming increasingly important for journalists. This “Promoting Inclusivity” training course for journalists is designed to address one of the most critical aspects of responsible reporting: how we discuss and represent the LGBTQIA+ community. This course aims to equip journalists with the knowledge, sensitivity, and skills required to communicate effectively and respectfully on LGBTQIA+ topics.

The course is organized by the Master in Journalism “Giorgio Bocca” at the University of Turin and Amapola. It is part of the European project “WHOs and HOWs: Countering Disinformation That Pushes Citizens Away from the European Project.” This project involves three European countries: Bulgaria, Romania, and Italy, all united by a low awareness of misinformation, distorted narratives, and fake news.

The project partners are as follows: Freedom House Romania (lead organization), The Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE), Group 4 Media Freedom and Democracy Association (G4 Media), Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD BG), and Amapola (Italy).”

The speakers will be:

  • Pasquale Quaranta: Pasquale Quaranta is a journalist and civil rights activist. He currently serves as the Diversity Editor at La Stampa. He has also held the position of Arcigay national councilor and served as the spokesperson for Salerno Pride in 2005.
  • Maria Paola Mosca: Maria Paola Mosca is a freelance journalist and translator with more than 15 years of experience in addressing diversity and gender equality issues. Since 2018, she has been a contributor to the blog “Alley Oop – L’altra metà del Sole,” which is featured on Il Sole 24 Ore.
  • Antonio Vercellone (PhD Bocconi 2019) is assistant professor of private law at the University of Torino. His research interests focus on new forms of property and new forms of families. He was visiting scholar at Yale law school (2022), where he carried out research on queer and functional parenthood. With Marco Pelissero, he edited the first Italian textbook on LGBTQI+ law.


  • Valeria Ferraris: Sociology of law and Criminology Associate Professor at the University of Torino

For inquiries, please contact the following email address:

Il corso è stato accreditato dall’Ordine dei Giornalisti e darà 3 crediti a coloro che si iscriveranno (a partire dal 26 ottobre) tramite la piattaforma (come filtro di ricerca inserire nella finestra Ente Terzo il nome “Consorzio Corep Torino”)

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